
Saturday 9 April 2016

Adult Rappers Documentary

Adult Rappers - Trailer from Fandependent Films on Vimeo.

This indie-doc, Adult Rappers (2015), is a real eye-opener into the behind-the-scenes of guys who we mostly think of as having it all in the world of hip hop really are just like you and me. And maybe even doing worse than some of us.
All the artists here speak candidly about their early lives coming into the scene, influences, first songs..etc.. then begin chatting about what life is when they are on the road - which can sometimes be just playing to only four people at a club. Most of them have regular day jobs and do their music as a sideline or a hobby.
We see people such as RA The Rugged Man, Master Ace, Jarobi as well as others many maybe not as recognisable happily speaking to the camera and above all they all come across as just normal people.

J-Zone's experiences are particularly sobering where he talks of being in front of an audience; the total whom can be counted on one hand, and vows there and then that he will never go onstage again.

A lot of questions are raised regarding the validity of the profession especially when the culture is mostly seen as something for the younger generation. Evidence (of Dilated Peoples) asks, "You can keep rappin' but how long is someone else gonna pay attention?". Food for thought, indeed.

If you want to see the full doc then click here as it won't embed on the blog.

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