
Saturday 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

As Christmas Eve begins to draw to a close I thought it only right to wish you all a very Merry Xmas.
All the readers, supporters and listeners to ABU! who've been there throughout the year, from the bottom of my heart - and more importantly - the heart of my bottom, thank you all.

I'm having a bit of a break and flying off to NYC with Mrs Repo on Boxing Day but don't worry, I'll be sharing my holiday snaps soon enough with you asap - is that a threat or a promise? I'm high on Christmas booze so you decide.

Take care and have a good one,


As a special bonus here is a brief Christmas show from Waxer (Disco Scratch) that he put together yesterday.
It's a collection of all the festive voicemails received recently on the DS Hotline along with some superb Duck Alert beats.
You must check it out!

 P.s.s. while I'm still here, best to let you know that there will not be an ABU show this month. The Podcast returns to burn in 2017. Watch the riiiiiiiiide!

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Hey, this is REPO! While I love to see your comments, if you leave one under ANON why not put your real or chosen name at the end of the message?
