
Friday 30 June 2017

Public Enemy - Nothing Is Quick In The Desert FREE ALBUM

Nothing Is Quick In The Desert (2017)

Public Enemy have just released their latest long-player. It is their 14th studio album since 1987's Yo! Bum Rush the Show.

You know by now the deal with PE - hard, chaotic beats and shouty, political raps.
Well, the hardcore rhymes are still there courtesy of Chuck D but the beats are only just adequate. Gone are the swirling, exciting, all-enveloping wall of sound that was their trademark in which to handle Chuck's voice and instead are more mediocre, run of the mill rhythms.
Sadly PE will never live up to their evocative early days purely due to the loss of the Bomb Squad. This is such a shame as every new PE album could be so much better with the right production.

Of course there are shimmers of promise and occasionally it feels as if the group have found the right sound (Smash The Crowd) but these are sadly few and far between.

Strangely I cannot find a complete list of credits so am clueless as to who produced 'The Desert..' and would love to know who did what - as well as the guest spots.

Man Plans God Laughs (2015)

On the whole this is a good effort and a definite improvement on 2015's Man Plans God Laughs which was an ordeal to get through.
DJ Lord continues to fill in the gaps with his great turntablism but here's an idea, how about giving the DJ a break and letting him have his moment to shine for 4 minutes? It would be a welcome change from the heavy aural assault of Chuck D's gravelly barking.
And while I'm on that tip, remember when Flavor would have his solo track? Bring that back, too as Flav only occasionally punctuates sentences throughout the whole album. What gives?
Later in the album Flavor begins Sells Like Teens Hear It and it feels like he's got his own track until Chuck's distorted vocals come back in. Oh well.

PE have made this album available for free (although apparently Chuck alludes to this being for a limited time only) on their Bandcamp page. You can download or just listen which is handy.
Go here to do just that.

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