
Friday, 19 March 2010

My Side-Project Website

To the many fans of Ageing B-Boys Unite! This is a gentle, metaphorical poke in the ribs for you to visit my new website over at

Sonicity is my recording name and this is where you'll find a bunch of my songs. From b-boy beats to audio soundscapes and much more in between.

Don't worry, the blog is far from over. I am busy with college work at present and by the beginning of summer I shall be back with a vengeance. Until then my input will be rather lame in comparison to the strength of previous months.
Fear not though, as if you want to drop me a line with suggestions, gifts, cash or just a big old rant then email me:

But have a look at the website, too. Any feedback would be welcome.


  1. Hammatime !

    The 19 refix is great work fella

    Top use of Mtume with the harrowing dialogue and samples, great reworking... dark, moody and downright dope

    Be well


  2. Thanks Irish,

    I wasn't aware that I'd used any Mtume in the tune though?
    That's been on the backburner for a while but with Paul's own 'Re-visit' on the cards I decided to get busy with my own version, too.

  3. Yeah that remix is wicked Ben. Like the tempo change and darker tone of the track. I see what Craig is saying about Mtume, the beat from 2.30-ish onwards has a distinct Juicy Fruit flavour (unintentional I'm sure!)

    Really enjoyed the EP too, Scratch N Riff was the standout for me, but very solid all round. Well done that man!

  4. Thanks very much, Ram.
    I now hear the Mtume reference. Yes, it was unintentional. And now I keep thinking of Biggie Smalls!


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