
Thursday, 9 September 2010

Podcast Requests

The dust hasn't even settled on The ABBU! Podcast #1 yet here we go talking 'bout show #2.
Yes, Ageing B-Boys are busy plottin', researchin', rhymin' and stealin' to bring you the best hour's worth of entertainment that money simply can't buy.

I need your requests for tracks that you'd like to hear.
Write to me and beg like your life depends on it and I might select your selection, Selectah. Then again I might fob you off with some old flannel by saying that, would you believe it, I've got everything else by that particular artist but NO, I'VE NOT GOT THAT ONE.

Obfuscation and circumvention. We kickin crazy ballistics, yo.

Do it. Dooooo it.


  1. Dear Mr Repo, if i send you a packet of hob nobs, will you please play my requests?

    1 - raw corp - trooper on the mic

    2 - mc shan - i pioneered this

    Just 2 really dope 12s that i have & love to play on the regular, would be really cool if you could play em for me on your podcast ;-)

    Yours sincerley,

    AGENT FINCH aged 37 & a half.

  2. Now then, now then, as it happens, rattle, rattle, jewellery, jewellery....interesting choices there, young Agent Finch. Let's see if Mr Repo can fix it for you.

  3. "Howz about that then, rattle rattle, puff puff.." Love it REPO, you worked out my letter perfectly, lets hope you have those 12s i`ve mentioned?!!

    Maybe you could drop some JIM`LL FIX IT audio into the next mix? Come on now, we all used to sing along to it, right? ;o)

  4. Oh Em Gee! A bit of ole Saville in the mix? Now THAT is what I'm talkin bout!
    Giving me ideas now, Mart-Ski!

  5. And don`t forget to add a bit of WORZEL GUMMAGE into the mix, used to watch that programme religiously back in the day!

    What other hip hop radio show could you hear a bit of Jimmy Saville inbetween Public Enemy & Scholly D :o)

  6. I used to have a Worzel Gummidge 7" single when I was a kid. The times I used to play that. Over and over.....
    Obviously I never had the foresight to keep it lest one day I have the idea to make a podcast. Talk about slack.

  7. Dear Mr.136

    Will you fix it for me to spend a day with the Royal navy. I love the sailor outfits they wear and all that marching about on deck. I have a lovely pair of Troop Cobra 2s that would go with a nice pair of number 8 bell bottom navy trousers.

    Thank you from Steven aged 38 1/3.

    PS if you get a minute if it's OK could you please play strange games and funky things & dedicate it to Corrina, then play the rap based on that break, Manslaughter by Eric & Parish Making Doners (kebabs, did you know they gave up their rapping career and have started a kebab van in Ludlow, Shropshire, famous home of 80's ZX Spectrum magazine "Crash"?. Thank you!!

  8. Can`t beat a bit of LOVE UNLIMITED ORCHESTRA young WAXER.

    And watch out for those sailors WAXER, they`re not shy in getting their 12 inches out & i don`t mean records ;0)

  9. Mind you, you should be used to that being a POMPEY lad, oooooh sailor hahaha.

  10. re:The ABBU! Podcast #1

    Introduction comment, just stumbled - again- across your blog Repo and had to have a listen to ya podcast - im fast becoming a fan of these merely to satisfy my craving for any beats from the old days and a curiosity for what tracks make the playlist - and im not disappointed particularly as you dropped a personal favorite from Electro 10 that being Dynamic Duo featuring Shaquan - we are the that one forever, and proud to say i have the 12 too. Keep the pods commin' and i have to 2nd Mart on the Raw Corp 12..rather dope choice.

    Jimmy *Seville*,sorry,Saville rocked some def dookey chains back in the day im convinced he was really nuthin' more than a cold sportin' fresh, wild, fly b-boy at heart.

    Nice blog Ben.


  11. Well I don't know about biscuits, sailors or Jimmy Saville but I know what I like and what I like is SUMMER by that up-and-coming pop trio THE FANTASY THREE. Play that and I'll send you a cup of tea and a thlice of cake.

  12. Yeah man, as requested via FB, I'd love to hear Man Parrish – Boogie Down Bronx. Jingle Jangle Jewellery Jewellery asitappens.....

  13. Hey REPO, i think we`ve started something with this JINGLE JANGLE JEWELLERY JIMMY ;-)

    ps.can i have another request?

    T LA ROCK - LYRICAL KING (my favourite T LA ROCK track)...!!

  14. How dare he not reply, sucker punk!!! Where's my Sailor? Where's my dope early 90s selection?

    I can feel tears forming in my eyes at the neglect. Who's got Esther Rantzens number?

  15. Come on REPO, answer these burning questions! Your public awaits :-)

  16. All these requests. Hmmmm, all I can do is quote Tracy Marrow and say 'this story's through but wait 'til part two'.

  17. When`s the next podcast Benzini `repo` Hammy?


Hey, this is REPO! While I love to see your comments, if you leave one under ANON why not put your real or chosen name at the end of the message?
