
Monday, 3 January 2011

ABU! Takeover Radio Show NEW DATE

Ironically, due to a power failure at the radio station on Sunday, the Ageing B-Boys Unite! / Sonicity Takeover Show didn't go out.

However Power FM will - hopefully, as it's not on the air as I type this - put me on at the same time the following Sunday.

So make ANOTHER date in your diaries or your flashy, shiny, silver thing all you cool kids.

SUNDAY  -  9TH  JANUARY  -  2011  -  4.30PM GMT


  1. nice blog visit my

  2. You, sir, are a freak. Do not darken my website with your adolescent freakiness again. You are neither ageing or indeed, a b-boy.
    Have a nice day :-)

  3. I had to check out young Danial's blog out of morbid curiousity, and your character observations are indeed correct, the lad IS a freak!!!
    He has potential serial killer written all over his pubescent face.

    Still, keep the good work, Peace!!!


Hey, this is REPO! While I love to see your comments, if you leave one under ANON why not put your real or chosen name at the end of the message?
