
Monday, 2 July 2012

Back To Cause Mayhem

Well, what a strange turn of events.

Last Sunday my (external) hard drive crashed and dumped a ton of important files - mostly music-related. Regular visitors to ABU! will know this already so I won't bore you with the details.
After a week of slowly realising what I had actually lost and coming to terms with having to start again from scratch, I had some unbelievable help from you lot.

Logic Pro - from last month's Beastie Boys Tribute show
RUSEONE was quick off the mark and sent me a program to try and recover the lost files.  Sadly it was unsuccessful. However what it did do is recover the titles of each missing file so that I could see what exactly was missing. This could be misconstrued as a way of torturing myself - so near, but yet so far - but this was actually very helpful.

The reason being is that I had the finished June ABU Podcast done and pretty much dusted and although not accessible any longer, thanks to RUSE I could now see the bare bones of the songs used.

Quick lesson in the production of an ABU podcast:
I produce the ABU radio shows in Logic Pro which is a music program that allows me to paste mp3's in a linear fashion - I use mp3 files and also record stuff from vinyl - I then overdub my vocals at the end and tweak if needed.
Logic Pro keeps a folder of everything I use from songs to any movie dialogue or my drops all included in the project and RUSE's help enabled me to start the show again from scratch with the track names to guide me.

Now, exactly one week later I was in the Disco Scratch chatroom checking out SCENES14's show (Sundays 8pm) and was chatting to RUSE and soon, WAXER.
WAXER sent over another program for me to try and this time I was able to retrieve each and every file back safely.

RUSE sketch
What I'm slowly getting to is that the June ABU show will be broadcast THIS Thursday in all it's version 2 glory.
I could not have done it without the help of the ABU! crew. Special mention to RUSE and WAXER for sorting me out and also to everyone else who either commented or sent me emails of support - it has been duly noted.

Thank you all.

Needless to say this has been a tough lesson to learn and I am now backing up everything - TWICE. I'm slowly getting there. I'm glad in a way that this happened because I'm now in the process of getting everything in order - I have 4 external HD's to sort through.
Let this be a lesson to YOU too!

ABU Crew - You da man!

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. excellent news on the retrieving of the files ,can't wait to hear version 2,
    also nice to have a little insight of how you put the show together,is the little blue audio snippet a fart sound ?

    i never back anything up and after your bad luck i must now invest in another hard drive or there might be tears this end as well!!

    w.t.e.i.i.t.h.o.m.g DANGER!


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