
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

This Week's DISCO SCRATCH Show - Date Change

Due to this Thursday being Valentine's Day, broadcasting the DS show on it's usual Thursday evening slot may result in problems.
Always wishing to keep on the good side of wifey, it has been agreed that it would be in everyone's best interest to keep Thursday clear for that lovin'.
So in that respect, for the first time in Disco Scratch history it will change it's broadcast day and for one week only you can catch the show tomorrow (Wednesday 13th).

And this week is a very special show. The mighty Lovegrove from Style Warrior is in control and hittin' switches in the cockpit with another of his great Takeovers and if rumour is anything to believe then the intro is going to have to be heard to be believed!
Also in some exclusive business this week, LG is offering a special, one-off Demon Boyz tee up for grabs. Make sure you are in the chatroom from 9pm to be in with a shot.

Disco Scratch on a Wednesday? This is going to throw my whole week off-kilter!

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