Thursday 4 February 2016

Beat Street 30th Anniversary Article

Yes, the actual 30th anniversary of the film, Beat Street was two years ago but this article needs to be seen. Bringing together the stars of the movie, you can read the real story behind it and it really wasn't that pretty.
I'd say that we're all in agreement in that BS was mostly a Hollywood version of how hip hop was - it certainly is a far way away from original screenwriter Stephen Hager's vision of what should've been portrayed on screen, that's for sure.
This is a really interesting behind-the-scenes look at what went into making the film and what the cast actually thought about it.

Did you know that Kool Herc had to wear a false beard throughout his scenes? I need to rewatch this, NOW.


Unknown said...

Got some interesting stories about this film too. Have you seen the cut scenes?

Steve said...

Great piece - thanks for the post!

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