Wednesday 27 February 2019

71 ABU Show Feb 2019

Woop, woop! Ring the alarm. It's the first post of 2019 and it's only February.

No one reads these posts anyway, do they?
Anyway, just in case you do then I'm letting you know that I've done a podcast and it's going out on Disco Scratch Radio on Thursday at 9pm.
There will be a link to listen in afterwards (I'll do a separate post, yes, TWO posts in ONE week!) in case you miss it. However, to hear it tomorrow then go here:

Also, go here for the Discord chatroom which is where all ageing b-boys hang out:

I'm quite proud of this one. There's a load of good music - a mix of new and old hip-hop, electro, funk and eclectic stuff, too. There's also a really good mix by Simon Cannon of various funk and rap 45s all blended together in a steaming pot of audio soup.

Lastly, why aren't you on Facebook? That's where ABU is these days, sadly. Yep. We sold our soul to the corporation which is why the blog is so sparse. I wish it was a different story but that's just the way it is.
Go on. Fuel the fire and add to the further demise of the ABU blog by going to

Pip, pip!

Mr Repo of the 136th Platoon.
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The links to MP3 files provided in these posts are to be used for previewing only. AGEING B-BOYS UNITE ™ does not keep the files here, this Blog is merely a gateway, an Information Desk if you will, to point you in the right direction. Once downloaded, all files should be destroyed within 7 days.