A little while back the legendary Plastic Attack Radio Show held their very first Hip-Hop Trivia Quiz. Twenty unbelievably difficult and completely nerd-appropriate questions of the highest calibre.
Being an unashamed fan of rap minutiae in general - I didn't choose the trivia life, it chose me - I was looking forward to this evening being in the company of my fellow geek brethren.
To prepare, I had recently boned up on Subway & Spraycan Art, David Toop's The Rap Attack, every early issue of The Source and Hip Hop Connection I could lay my hands on and listened to every piece of vinyl in my collection - including the wack UK remixes for every De La release from the late 80s.
I jest. I dropped the De La records. I'm not that desperate ;)
Anyway, long story short there was a tie-break by the end of the evening with me and long-time ABU fan WOCK both achieving the same highest score. Unfortunately, like Highlander there could be only one and we were given a special bonus question. We were read a lyric from a fairly esoteric Ice T album song and had to name the track.
I barely managed to type the answer into my email message before my finger was hammering the 'send' button off to the Plastic Attack HQ.
I tells ya, it was more tense than an X Factor final except I didn't have the gorgeous Nicole Scherzinger cheering me on and instead I had my 4 year old Shih Tzu, Pip, staring at me like I was raving mad as by now I was rocking on the sofa and shrieking and slapping my thighs like a pantomime dame.
The Plastic Attack top dog, big man, numero uno honcho and head cheese, DJ Laz-e read out the winner and I damn near fell off that sofa. L'il old Mr Reeps was crowned the winner of the inaugural Plastic Attack Radio Show Quiz 2020.
A quiz of this magnitude needed to have some pretty damn impressive prizes and it did not disappoint. Pulling in favours from his multitude of names from his trusty black book Laz-e got donations from many, many faces in the industry
Here then is a breakdown of everything I received in one big-ass box that came this morning courtesy of my postlady.
Here's a group shot of all that booty
This is a great cap from STYLES
The first of a few goodies from Ken Swift's BREAK LIFE
Three tees from DJ Elemental
More BREAK LIFE merch from Ken Swift - some nice chisel-edged markers for those 'creative' moments, and a very cool pair of autographed and personalised sunglasses
The legendary Egyptian Lover donated a couple of fantastic prizes - the first being this double CD of non-stop tunes from the master himself
Dope beanie hat from Ken Swift
Ultra-rare collection of rap radio performances collated and mastered by Irish Craig and designed by graphic supremo LG
This is an awesome 7" single from The Egyptian Lover that not only looks amazing - a triangular 45?! - but he has very kindly customized the whole package, too
BreakLife stickers - mo' food for the record box DIG MAG complete collection - a visual and literary heaven for the avid record collector with tales from fellow vinyl hoarders of obtaining that elusive piece of wax 
Rare Tim Dog CDs - obviously produced before he passed away/ran away (delete as appropriate). And two CDs from DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick and Prozack Turner
More DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick merch courtesy of All City Records of Dublin
Crazy rare 45 from The Oddysy ft Chuck D, DJ Johnny Juice & Son of Bazerk. And signed by one of my favourite DJs, Johnny himself. Insane!
All City Records again with some nifty instrumental hip-hop from Kutmah
Big-up to DJ Undercover of Hijack (yes, THE Hijack!) for this signed copy of Doing What We Wonna Do
Back again! More DJ Flip & Freezemaster Slick pressure courtesy of All City Records
New Jack Hustle's All City Anthem on All City Records. Top Trivia: this single was mastered by none other than Thes One of People Under The Stairs
The final prize out the box is this gorgeous print of the 'Ultramagnetic MCs gig that never was' at Cafe Oto in Tokyo, 1990 courtesy of Martin 'LG' Lovegrove.
Apart from these prizes pictured above I also received a personalised outgoing voicemail message from the truly legendary G.L.O.B.E., and an equally-distinguished figure in the music industry, Man Parrish will master any track I produce in his state of the art studio.
I am truly blown away, not only by the fact that I was the winner of the quiz but by the generous donations and time given by each and everyone who took part in it.
Lastly a huge thank you and a massive b-boy hug to my fellow record-hoarder from across the border, Eric / DJ Laz-e for organising all of this. I know that he had a very worrying time getting this all together as there were so many moving parts involved but it all worked out and I am eternally grateful.
Right, I'm pooped. I need a brew!
Here's to Xmas 2021 at https://theplasticattack.com/