Saturday 3 May 2014

Update on Life

To all the regular readers of ABU I need to explain what's going on behind the scenes.

You may have noticed a lack of posts recently. In fact this is the first one in exactly a month since the Hip Hop Family Tree post.
I very recently lost my mum after her relatively short year-long battle with cancer which, as you might imagine, has been my focus lately rather than the blog. In fact this year has seen my mind wandering all over the place and being pretty useless when it comes to maintaining ABU (maybe time to employ some Admins, Writers...?) except for a month or so ago where I went hell for leather and did multiple postings which in retrospect was a way of trying to blur out the inevitable.

I therefore apologise to those who had outside projects lined up for me and although I was willing my heart was not in it and I failed to come through with the goods. That was unprofessional and I am sorry.

There was no ABU show for April although I had half-finished it. It will form part of the May one instead. There you go, every cloud.......

However I do have some great news coming very soon about an event I am part of - next weekend in fact - and will tell you all about it as soon as I have more news.




ramses said...

Terrible news Ben, I lost my dear dad to cancer and it's a horrible way to lose someone. Much love to you and your family.

Ric Flair said...

Sorry for not leaving a message before Reepz, I have also been unable to post anything for a while, I am working on it though.............
So sorry for your loss mate, my thoughts have been with you & yours.
Stay strong my man, love, peace & respect.

Repo said...

Thanks lads.
Sometimes the mask has to drop to reveal the real-life business going on behind the scenes.



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