Thursday 2 November 2017

Sumthin For The Regulars

This is a little freebie but strictly for the Blog Crew - those of you who visit diligently even though the posts these days are sadly thin on the ground. Yes, something for those who don't frequent Facebook and instead insist on keeping that time-sucking banality out of their lives - though I can hardly talk.

Hip Hop: The Illustrated History of Break Dancing, Rap Music, and Graffiti was originally published way back in 1984 and never received the distribution it should have. Less sales meant that the book subsequently became sought-after and now goes for such astronomical prices as up to £350.

Thanks to the age of digital everyone can now have a chance to read it - well, just you select few, not that Facebook or Twitter rabble, yeah?

PDF version

Epub Version


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks, this looks pretty dope. I've never seen it before, thanks for sharing!

unikone said...

Thanks for sharing ! peace

Ruse One said...

Cheers Repo :)

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