Who remembers Fresh 98? It was in East London almost ten years ago to the day. My memories are: seeing other hip hoppers on the tube all going to Fresh, waiting in a queue for ages on a hot sweltering day, a security guard who looked like Queen Latifah getting riled every 20 seconds, the bloke in front of me being given free tickets to get in while I had to stump up my £20, meeting some of the Fat Lace crew for the first time, seeing The Ruf again for the first time in ages, badly wanting to buy a Mos Def t-shirt as it was based on the Run DMC logo, b-boy crews from all over Europe busting moves randomly, witnessing the sheer awesomeness of MC Supernatural, Tony Vegas in a little room performing to a small appreciative crowd, having to peg it out of the event to get the last train home and missing Busy Bee's performance.
Where you there? Do you remember who else was on the bill?
Myself and some mated from Portsmouth all went to this event, but to me there was something lacking...after the greatness of Fresh 97 it was always going to be hard to top that. It was great to see Masta Ace and all the other acts, plus like you said seeing Dave The Ruf, but we had some grief off some ignorant people that were only there to cause trouble and weren't there for the Hip Hop, which kinda spoiled my memory of the event...
Still, at least it went on, unlike the Fresh that was supposed to happen about 4 years ago that I paid £90 for 3 tickets for and never got!
Nice to see the flyer again!
i was there, and remember breakin with ken swift and maurizio in a circle! also seeing uk graff legend tuff artz selling airbrush tees, and the out of control crew's mr stein, one of my fave popeers, doin a private show backstage.
all hosted by Ty, with lots of uk talent, but it was the first time i had saw the mudd fam live.. to say i hated everysingle member of the crew is an under statement. Probs the worst act i have ever seen live.
and dave the ruf still owes me money!
I never could see the fascination of the Mud Family meself. Bunch of scummy chavs.
Ha, and Dave The Ruf owes EVERYONE money!
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