Thursday 28 May 2015

ABU Podcast May 2015 - TONITE

It's the monthly ABU Podcast tonight and we've reached the heady heights of 50 shows.
To mark this occasion tonight's playlist consists of songs chosen by past and present members of the ABU Facebook Group.
Last summer I posted a thread in the group page asking everyone to name ONE track that epitomised hip hop music to them.
Of course just one track was too limited to some and many submissions were given.

This idea was inspired by a particular member - Raychelle.
She had had a great day posting some marvelous songs on the ABU Facebook group and I took a cue from this and made a post asking for song submissions.
I copied and pasted the results into a TextEdit file and stored them away.
When I was putting this show together (in April) I realised that this would make a good subject especially being the 50th show. Unfortunately time got the better of me and I found that I couldn't finish it in time, hence Waxer stepping up and providing his take on the ABU Takeover (which you can still hear over here).
The fact that the delay meant that the show is now going out at this time makes the whole thing even more poignant.

Please tune in tonight at 9pm and maybe raise a glass or two.

Also please take a moment to read this message from Waxer in respect of our Raychelle.

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