Monday 24 February 2014

Short Jean-Michel Basquiat Audio

In the early 1980s a young black graffiti artist took the New York art world by storm. Soon, his paintings were selling for huge sums but he would die before the decade was out. Hear from Patti Astor who knew him in his heyday. Photo: Jean-Michel Basquiat painting titled "Dustheads" sold at Christies in NY for over $48 million in 2013 (AP/Christie"s)
This is an all-too brief audio piece on Jean-Michel Basquiat first broadcast on the BBC World Service recently. Featuring the lovely Patti Astor who curated his work in the early 80's.
Patti also provided the music clips here.

Just gotta love the snobbish soundbite spoken against JMB's work from an unnamed art critic:

"Was he a good artist?"
"In my opinion, no.... brash and superficial...which is what you'd expect from a graffiti artist"

Hear the audio here on the BBC iPlayer

Don't forget, to hear more stories from Patti herself about Basquiat, the NY art and graffiti scene as well as much, much more go and buy her book from here.


Anonymous said...

I love the way the reporter put it together, even the negative comments and stupid questions for Jean prove my points. I swear I thought that guy was going to say "but that's what you get from a (N-word)" but he says "graffiti artist", which I guess to him is same thing.
Keep the Blog!! I always read it!
XX Patti "A"

Repo said...

So true, Patti. Sadly, so very true.

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