Thursday 15 January 2015

Funky Four PLUS Blondie

Whilst watching the Funky Four video in the previous post I was sure that I wasn't going mad and had in fact seen another studio performance of the crew in action. So I had a search around and think I found it.
The clip is from a 1981 episode of Saturday Night Live, America's long-running comedy show, and features a good deal of input from the group, Blondie.
The F4+1 clip is mercilessly short and comes right at the end after a couple of Blondie performances and a Debbie Harry skit. See if you can see a very quick shot of a young Eddie Murphy right at the start.

1 comment:

ramses said...

Great find Mr Repo.

Love the way that the DJ makes ABSOLUTELY NO ATTEMPT to pretend he's actually doing anything with with those records.

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