Friday 25 November 2016

5 Rock Veterans Who Can't Handle Hip-Hop

Gene Simmons: "I am looking forward to the death of rap"

I think we're all aware that not everybody likes us - but we don't care.
Ageing old rockers declaring that they think 'rap is crap' has been going on since the days of the Sugarhill Gang and isn't anything new at all.
However, bucking the trend are 5 rock stars who DO like hip-hop as well.

So read on and let's cheer those with sense and hiss & boo those without.

Click here

1 comment:

rchecka said...

And yet another reason to dislike Oasis.
You have to be tone def to enjoy Noel Gallagher's "Champagne Supernova" so it's not like he has room to despise rap for not being musical enough.

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