I've just come back after a stay at my folks' place and came away with a car full of crap as always. Some gems were found after going through my various files as you can see.
I was always a bit geeky/obsessive in my youth about collecting various pieces of information be it from newspaper or magazine cuttings or recording a quick piece of hip hop-related features off the tv.
I'm currently converting some old hip hop documentaries to dvd which I recorded in the early 1990s such as Bombin', Beat This!-A Hip Hop History, Looking For The Perfect Beat (a South Bank Show special), The Hip Hop Years (a Channel 4 three-parter) as well as little bits and doodads.
I haven't the means to upload video via my pc so they'll stay on dvd for the time being. I will however be putting them on ebay when I'm done - probably £5/$10 for a 4-hour dvd.
Tell you what I would love to see again and that's Bad Meaning Good, the Westwood-produced documentary which was shown on BBC around 1987. I used to have it until some skank never returned it. Blood wars baby, blood wars!
As regards to the images above; the first one is an official Westwood N-Sign Radio beatbox sticker (see previous Westwood post); the second is a cutting from Radio Times magazine about Roger Johnson, inaugural winner of DMC 1985 and -ex dj to ex-hip hop dj, Dave Pearce; the third is a cutting from Echoes (I think?) for a Sindecut event; and the last one is a treat. It's a typical scaremongering feature from the never-unpredictable UK tabloid The Daily Mail about the scourge of graffiti writers in England (who are all black, apparently). The reporting here is worthy of a Nobel Prize. Just click on the pics to view them in lovely large-o-vision.
1 comment:
i have bad meaning good already converted to dvd..
i will see if i can up it to google video or rip it and put it up on megaupload or something
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