Here's the 2-hour audio of a recent Hip Hop Sessions show from Future Radio's DJ JUST-1.
In the guest spot is Def Tex's own, Chrome providing an hour-long set with some solid slabs of plastic.
I'm not sure how long my Rapidshare link will last due to these strange times we're living under as far as file-sharing goes so best download as soon as you can.
Here it is folks, our first show of the year.
Two new features this month:
Album Spotlight: Choose an album which has a particular place in your heart and send me two of your favourite tracks. Contact with your choices.
Demo Trail: Do you have some old demos on 4-track, DAT or vinyl? Digitize to mp3 or WAV and post them in to 1980's and early 1990's stuff preferred.
All this and the rest of the usual baloney.
Right-click on the link and 'Save as...'if you want to download the show to listen later.
If you left-click it should just play the show automatically.
p.s. the first track I played after the ABU intro ('Young Scene' by Keith Mansfield) has a particular significance with the edition of the show being #69. Can anyone guess what the link is...?
This whole file-sharing business is getting silly now. I just noticed that pretty much all my links to my ABU Takeover archives are now all down with a few exceptions.
I just tried uploading to Mediafire and Multiupload with nothing happening. I've managed to download 3 files today FROM Mediafire so no change there. Hmmmmm.
I'll try an upload again later but in these current times you just don't know who's gonna be next to duck out of the game. It's a sad day for a lot of blogs because some of them had pretty much their WHOLE back-catalogue on Megaupload which is now redundant. Filesonic seem to have voluntarily closed down their file-sharing service and instead leave it only so that personal files cannot now be shared.
The first big casualty of Filesonic was HQ Hip Hop blog which provided some of the best stuff (classic hip hop, old funk and breaks) on superb 320 quality rips.
I want to send a massive shout to Olas Un Bekons who are one of the heavyweights in the game and have vowed to keep going under this obvious pressure.
It's all very unsure about what's going to happen next but no one can say for certain if file-sharing will still even be happening by the end of the year.
There seems to be a little bit of an upset between two members of the Juice Crew going on at the moment which you may or may not be aware of.
It apparently all started with that Master Ace video and Shan only got round to actually watching it after someone recently posted it on his Facebook wall.
Shan took offence to Ace's knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his no-show at The Symphony recording for which Ace subsequently went ahead to participate on. For those that didn't know, it's been a common belief that Shan never turned up on the day the recording was supposed to take place and so Master Ace took his place, going on to start off the song as none of the big-hitters wanted to be first.
Like a say, "a common belief" and not necessarily the correct one. So, what MC Shan has done is put the record straight but in the process has ruffled Marley Marl's feathers and caused the great man to come out with his own video.
Shan then hit back at Marley although to be fair, he is not dripping with venom as he could've done but still brings some home truths and claims there's no beef and that they're both "agreeing to disagree".
At the time of writing, Marley has come back with a response claiming he's cool but not happy with the fact Shan showed a (badly Zeroxed) birth certificate to camera and would rather have preferred a 'report card'.
He then ends by shakily claiming that the whole video thing was a set-up by them both. Really?
Hmmmm, we continue.....
However if after you have viewed their performances and are still not any the wiser as to who is right or wrong then try viewing this video on Shan's parenting. Suffice to say it's not easy viewing for any parent and he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.
N.b. If any more responses happen to pop-up then I shall add them to the below list.
Respect to Craig for bringing this whole shebang to my notice.
A little while ago someone posted a link in the old c-box about a B-Boys Records blog which had EVERY record in the catalogue. Stupidly I never Bookmarked it and the c-box was removed (by the owners, not me).
I can't remember who posted it - WARZ...? WARLORD...maybe? - but if you remember please could you send it to me again.
Big, big thanks!!
Here's a great deal for any of you that missed out on the Disco Scratch mugs from last year.
LG from Style Warrior has produced a dope mug featuring the immortal line 'Serve Tea Then Murder' from legends Hardnoise.
Like all Style Warrior products, expect top quality workmanship and of course complete originality and exclusivity.
To grab one click here but be quick as they are only available on pre-order until Sunday 29th January 2012.
Yes folks, we're now firmly into 2012 and what's missing on your kitchen wall at the moment? Yes, that's right - a new calendar.
Well fear not, my pedigree-chums for my man Waxer is on the case and busy preparing some deluxe, pristine, hi-rez, supoib quality calendars as I type. Expect some great photos and special dates will all be circled for your pleasure. All for a fiver.
Go here to purchase one but be quick as they are on pre-order for only a short time - until Monday 16th January in fact. If you one of the lucky few who missed out on the Disco Scratch mug then you've got to get on this.
By now most of you will be aware that WEBSTA is closing down the Heroes Of UK Hip Hop Forum and will concentrate on the main website.
It is sad news and there are some great people on there and this will be coming to an end by today or tomorrow.
However there was an impromptu Poll in last night's weekly Disco Scratch Show and there was a unanimous decision to open up a Disco Scratch Forum.
You can join up immediately by going to . I hope you do, it'll great to see some of you in there.
The links to MP3 files provided in these posts are to be used for previewing only. AGEING B-BOYS UNITE ™ does not keep the files here, this Blog is merely a gateway, an Information Desk if you will, to point you in the right direction. Once downloaded, all files should be destroyed within 7 days.
ABU Radio
24/7 ABU freshness!
The Ageing B-Boy™
Hater of Gangsta Rap. Lover of the b-boy stance.
well, Straight Outta Compton is alright. Some of CMW is cool as well.
Okay, amendment, Hater of MOST Gangsta Rap. But not those two, yeah?.
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Sadly some of these links to websites & blogs are now gone from existence. They remain as a reminder of their great contribution in the rich tapestry of ABU!